Während eines Besuches haben Schulklassen der Oberstufe die Gelegenheit, im Baylab@INVITE Wissenschaft ganz praktisch und hautnah zu erleben und zu...
Accelerate Utilization of Modern Robotics within our industry.
Six amazing teams exceeded the expectations of the sponsors of the “Plant Service Robot Challenge” by far.
Pflanzen binden das klimaschädliche CO2. Aber wie viel davon kann auf einer Fläche von einem Quadratmeter in 3 Monaten aus der Luft geholt werden?...
We are happy to offer you free tickets to visit our robotics competition at Achema 2022: Link to registration
To support the research of the Drug Delivery Innovation Center (DDIC), INVITE GmbH is extending its research center on the Chempark site in...
The two last days before the summer break, we visited the six high schools which participated in the CarbonChallenge and harvested the biomass they...
INVITE coordinates open-innovation-challenge "Plant Service Robot", finals at ACHEMA Hall 11.1 Booth E27 22.8.2022 to 26.8.2022
Pharmaceutical Mobile Robotics Conference in London, was a great success. Initiated by Dave Wolton from Takeda together with INVITE the conference was...
On Tuesday, March 29th, the next major milestone for INVITE and the Drug Delivery Innovation Center (DDIC) was achieved and celebrated. With the...
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