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Downloads Drug Delivery Innovation Center DDIC Project Press Releases CONSENS Blaues Heft // Blue Booklet
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Gemeinsame industrielle und akademische Forschung: Auf knapp 600 m2 Laborfläche werden Kapazitäten für 25 zusätzliche Arbeitsplätze geschaffen. Leverkusen, 19. Juni 2023 – Spatenstich im September…
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Opening Ceremony - DDIC Research Building Dear DDIC-members, INVITE-partners and science & technology experts, We are delighted to invite you to the Inauguration of the new DDIC Research…
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We welcome Physiolution GmbH as new member to the Drug Delivery Innovation Center. Physiolution GmbH is a highly innovative company focused on investigations of the dissolution behavior of solid…
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Invite Conference 2022 INVITE is hosting a full-day virtual conference on “Innovation, Visions & Technologies 2022”.    On March 16th 2022, collaboration partners of…
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Sustainability and Innovation When your challenge needs a solution that doesn’t exist.   Sustainability When sustainability needs innovation. Reaching sustainability goals does not only…
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TraceBot | Traceable Robotic Handling of Sterile Medical Products EU Research and Innovation Action // Horizon Europe // The goal of TraceBot is to create robotic systems…
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TraceBot TraceBot | Traceable Robotic Handling of Sterile Medical Products EU Research and Innovation Action // Horizon Europe // Project objectives The goal…
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