We welcome Amofor GmbH as new member to the Drug Delivery Innovation Center. Amofor is a young company with qualified experts in the area of Amorphous Solid Dispersions (ASD), which gain increasing…
We welcome NISSO CHEMICAL EUROPE GmbH to the Drug Delivery Innovation Center as new member. NISSO CHEMICAL is a well-known provider of pharmaceutical excipients with a special focus on hydroxypropyl…
We welcome Parsum to the Drug Delivery Innovation Center as a new member. Parsum Gesellschaft für Partikel-, Strömungs- und Umweltmeßtechnik mbH provides innovative tools and software for process…
We welcome Haver & Boecker OHG to the Drug Delivery Innovation Center as a new member. Haver & Boecker is not only a well-known provider of mesh related solutions in fields like filtration,…
or: How to make 8 scientists sweat? At the Leverkusen Business Lauf 3.0, many runners of all ages from various companies, groups or institutions took part in the more than 5 km long run on 29th of…
Mathi Bolte-Richter (Die Grünen), Member of the parliament of NRW (Germany) visited the INVITE research center during his #weltbewegen-tour through NRW on May 8th, 2019. He was impressed about…
We welcome Ashland Industries Deutschland GmbH to the Drug Delivery Innovation Center, they joined the DDIC in March. Ashland is a well-known supplier of excipients for the pharmaceutical industry…
The 3rd European Conference on Pharmaceutics was held in Bologna, Italy, from 25th to 26th March 2019. As this is a major conference that deals with new formulation technologies, analytics and…
INVITE’s concept for the Drug Delivery Innovation Center (DDIC) received a recommendation for funding within the program “NRW research infrastructures”. We are more than happy that the government of…