INVITE Improvements

Together with partners in industry, government and academia, we are working on publicly funded projects on a precompetitive level, from which bilateral research projects may evolve.

INVITE develops innovations for process structures in chemical and pharmaceutical industries. 

With the implementation of DDIC @ INVITE, we also focus on pharmaceutical science and pharmaceutical processing in close collaboration with partners from academia and industry. 

Read on for a brief description of our public funded projects and DDIC research topics.

Research projects

TraceBot | Traceable Robotic Handling of Sterile Medical Products

EU Research and Innovation Action // Horizon Europe //

The goal of TraceBot is to create robotic systems able to understand what they perceive and do, to ensure that any manipulation action is verified, thus meeting the needs of the regulated environmen

  • In the application of “sterility testing” the consortium will develop and demonstrate how the transition from manual to roboticized task execution can be achieved. This includes:
    • Traceability framework based on digital-twin technology
    • Tactile Grippers essential for handling of sterile liquids
    • Intuitive programming method adapts quickly to novel products
    • Sensors recognize and handle transparent vials with liquid

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Ressourceneffiziente Herstellung von Lederchemikalien

Alt verhilft Neu zu Individualität: Das Projekt "ReeL" (Resourceneffiziente Herstellung von Lederchemikalien) verwendet die Reste aus der Lederproduktion zum Nachgerben neuen Leders - in einer Anlage vor Ort im Gerbereibetrieb. Damit schließt sich der Kreislauf vom Abfall zum neuen Produkt dort, wo er gebraucht wird. Das spart nicht nur Ressourcen, sondern auch logistischen Aufwand. Das Projekt wird im Rahmen der Fördermaßnahme "r+Impuls - Impulse für industrielle Ressourceneffizienz" gefördert. Diese Maßnahme unterstützt Projekte, die innovative Technologien und Produkte aus dem Labor in die wirtschaftliche Anwendung bringen

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The goal of the CONSENS research project is to advance the continuous production of high-value products that meet high quality demands in flexible intensified continuous plants by introducing novel online sensing equipment, closed-loop adaptive control and innovative software tools.

CONSENS focuses on flexible continuous plants, but the results in the areas of sensing, control, and performance monitoring will also be transferable to large-scale processes.

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Robotics starts to become available for more and more applications within production and laboratories. Together with and on behalf of BAYER, INIVTE organized the robotics challenge to explore the current state of technology for a given application.

The first ever Grants4Tech prize was a real crowd-magnet at the Cube Tech Fair in May 2017 as it featured live demonstrations of robotic solutions of the challenge to sample powder from drum containers for quality control purposes. “With this robotic challenge, BAYER’s objective is to strengthen the bond between the life sciences industry and academic robotic research communities and startups,” said Dr. Hartmut Klusik, the BAYER AG Management Board member responsible for Human Resources, Technology and Sustainability, who presented the award to the winning team.

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INVITE completed numerous projects since its founding in 2010 successfully. Find more general information about the individual projects and INVITE's contribution in particular.

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